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Michel Birot

Birot France NB nyanga szarzewski

Un mot sur l'oeuvre

26th November 2005, Stade de France.
France vs. South Africa test match (26-10). Dimitri Szarzewski in Yannick Nyanga’s arms following the national anthems.

Le témoignage de Michel Birot

Le choix de Jean-Denis

To fully appreciate this photo, you have to know Yannick and Dimitri’s story. They are childhood friends. They grew up 50m away from each other. In the evening, Dimitri went to eat at Yannick’s and vice versa the following day. They grew up like two brothers, two brothers who had chosen each other. They started out together in rugby and the first miracle was both being good at it, good to the point of both becoming professional. Not only professional but so talented that they both became internationals. This magnificent moment captured by Michel took place just after the national anthems of the first match they played together for the French national team. You share the long way they have come with them, the magical moment when a shared childhood dream became reality. « We made it Dimi » Yannick seems to be thinking, « we did it ». The photo of a fairy tale. A deep, moving image that nourishes you. For the anecdote, Dimitri scored from a pass by Yannick. He told me himself when he discovered the photo at the gallery.